8 Tips for Ending a Casual Relationship with Kindness and Respect

Breaking up with someone, even if it's a casual relationship, can be difficult. It's essential to end it with kindness and respect. You might have valid reasons to end the relationship, but it can still be hard to figure out how to do it kindly. The following tips can help you end a hookup relationship:

1. Don't procrastinate: It can be tempting to stay in a relationship longer than necessary, hoping that the other person will end it instead. But that's not fair to anyone. If you feel that the relationship has run its course, then cut your losses and move on sooner rather than later.

2. Do it in person: When it comes to ending a casual relationship, doing it in person is best. Let the other person know how you feel face to face, or through a video or phone call. Ghosting is not a respectful way to end a relationship.

3. Don't ghost them: Ignoring phone calls, texts, or deflecting any suggestion to get together can be hurtful. If getting in touch with them would be dangerous, then you need to have the conversation, whether in person or through text.

4. Choose an appropriate time and place: When splitting up in person, choose a reasonably private location. It's also a good idea to choose somewhere that's easy to get out of. When deciding how to end a casual relationship, consider when to have the breakup conversation.

5. Be honest but kindIt's important to give an explanation to the other person as to why you're ending the relationship. Deliver it in a way that's not hurtful. If it's something personal, then it's not them, it's you.

6. Use 'I' statements whenever possible: "I'm feeling a little overwhelmed between work and family commitments right now, so it's not a good time for me to be in a relationship," or "I care about you, but I think we are better off not in a romantic relationship right now" is an excellent way to be firm about why you want to split up.

7. Emphasize the positive: Remind your soon-to-be-ex of the reasons you got together, their smile, their laughter, or the things you appreciated about them.

8. Once you've broken up, don't muddy the waters: It's best to have some time apart after the relationship has ended so you both can move on. In fact, it's best to stop all contact, including social media and hookups. It's easy to make decisions you'll regret when emotions cloud your judgment.
