15 obvious signs that your partner might be cheating on you.

 It can be difficult to know for certain if your partner is cheating, as people who cheat often go to great lengths to conceal their actions. However, there are a few signs that might indicate that your partner is cheating. Here are a 11 things to look out for:

1. They become more distant or secretive: If your partner starts pulling away from you or becomes more private about their activities, this could be a sign that they are cheating. They may be trying to keep their activities hidden from you, or they may be emotionally withdrawing from the relationship.

2. They start paying more attention to their appearance: If your partner starts dressing up more or taking more care with their appearance, this could be a sign that they are trying to impress someone else. They may be trying to look attractive for the person they are cheating with, or they may simply be trying to boost their own self-esteem.

3. They start staying out later or disappearing for long periods of time without an explanation: If your partner starts coming home later or disappearing for long periods of time without an explanation, this could be a sign that they are cheating. They may be using this time to be with the person they are cheating with, or they may simply be trying to avoid you.

4. They become more protective of their phone or other personal belongings: If your partner starts hiding their phone or becomes more protective of their personal belongings, this could be a sign that they are cheating. They may be trying to keep you from seeing their communication with the person they are cheating with, or they may simply be trying to keep their activities private.

5. They start spending more time on social media or online: If your partner starts spending more time on social media or online, this could be a sign that they are communicating with someone else. They may be messaging or talking to the person they are cheating with, or they may simply be trying to distract themselves from the guilt they are feeling.

6. They stop being physically or emotionally intimate with you: If your partner becomes less interested in being physically or emotionally intimate with you, this could be a sign that they are getting their needs met elsewhere. They may be satisfied by the person they are cheating with, or they may simply be emotionally distant from you.

7. They start making more of an effort to please you or do things for you: If your partner starts being more attentive or trying to do things for you, this could be a sign that they are feeling guilty about cheating. They may be trying to compensate for their actions by being extra kind or thoughtful towards you.

8. They start getting defensive or angry when you ask questions about their whereabouts: If your partner becomes defensive or angry when you ask about their activities, this could be a sign that they are hiding something from you. They may be trying to deflect suspicion or avoid answering your questions.

9. They start spending more money than usual: If your partner starts spending more money than usual, this could be a sign that they are cheating. They may be buying gifts for the person they are cheating with or spending money on activities or outings with them.

10. They start smelling like a different cologne or perfume: If your partner starts smelling like a different cologne or perfume, this could be a sign that they are spending time with someone else. They may be trying to cover up the smell of the other person's cologne or perfume, or they may simply be trying to smell attractive for the person they are cheating with.

11. They start wearing different clothing or undergarments: If your partner starts wearing different clothing or undergarments, this could be a sign that they are trying to impress someone else. They may be dressing up for the person they are cheating with, or they may simply be trying to look more attractive.
